How can I use the existing credit on my account when renewing my Fax.Plus plan?

To renew your plan, you can either use the Fax.Plus credit you have already purchased or automatically have us deduct the amount needed for plan renewal from your default payment method.

To use your currently existing credit for renewing your plan, you simply need to ensure that you have sufficient credit available in your account.

If you do not have sufficient credit available, the required subscription amount will be deducted from your default payment method.

Use credits when renewing your plan

When it comes to plan renewal, you have two choices:

  1. You can use the Fax.Plus credits you've accumulated.
  2. You can choose to have the required amount for the plan renewal automatically deducted from your default payment method.
Use existing credits

To utilize your current credit for plan renewal, simply ensure that your account holds sufficient credit.

I don't have enough credit

If your credit is insufficient, the required subscription amount will be deducted from your default payment method.

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