How can I add signers when dispatching a signature request?

When starting a signature request, the process of including signers is straightforward. This contributes to a seamless and well-organized signing experience, making sure that signers are smoothly integrated into your request.

Note: With Sign.Plus, you can add up to 50 signing recipients per signature request.

Follow these steps to add signers when sending out a signature request:

Web App iOS & Android
  1. If needed, learn how to send signature requests in this article here.
  2. Once you reach the Add Recipients section, provide the following information about the signer(s):
    • Add Recipient: Add the names and email addresses of your recipients as well as their role indicating who needs to sign or receive a copy of your document.
    • Add Signing Step: Choose the order in which your signers will receive the document (optional).
      Tip: If you intend to arrange for recipients to access and sign the document in a particular sequence, you have the option to include up to 10 signing steps within your signature request. This can be achieved by clicking on Add Signing Step. Afterwards, it's as simple as dragging and dropping signers onto their designated steps.
  3.  If you need to add more signers, click on Add Recipient and repeat Step 2. If not, simply click on Next.


  4. In Add Fields, you have the following options to request from your recipients: a signatureinitials, the date of the signature, a checkbox, and text annotations. Simply drop these fields anywhere on your document from the left-hand editor.


    Note: Recipients who are designated to Receive a Copy of the document or have no assigned fields can still access the document. They are required to acknowledge their consent for using electronic records and signatures and click on Done.

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