How can I send a reminder for a signature request?

If you find that a signature request you've dispatched is still awaiting completion, with Sign.Plus you can expedite the process by sending a signature reminder to a signer. When you issue this reminder, a signer will receive a newly generated email containing an updated link to access the document requiring their signature.

Follow these steps to resend a signature reminder:

Web App iOS & Android
  1. Login to your Sign.Plus account, and go to the Documents section and look for Pending documents.
  2. Find the document you wish to resend the signature reminder for, and click on More (⋮).
  3. Click on Resend Reminders
  4. Click on Confirm.

Note: If multiple signature recipients are involved, the reminder will first be sent to the next signer in the sequence, ensuring a streamlined and organized process for collecting all required signatures.

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