How can I change my account's currency?

Once you sign up for Sign.Plus or Fax.Plus and verify your account, a default currency is assigned to your profile. We currently support US Dollar, Euro, Swiss Franc, and British Pound (Pound Sterling) currencies. If your bank or card automatically supports currency conversions, you have the option to make payments in different currencies (meaning you can pay the equivalent of $5 in your local currency, in accordance with your bank's exchange rate policies).

Follow these steps to update your currency, which will then be applied to all your upcoming purchases, including recurring payments:

  1. Login to your Sign.Plus or Fax.Plus account, and go the Profile section on your Dashboard.
  2. Find the tab for Plans & Billing.
  3. Look for the box for Payment Details, and find Default Currency.
  4. Click on Change to switch your default currency.
  5. Click on Save.
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