How can I increase the default quota for the users of my corporate account?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Business and Enterprise plans.

Accessible to Owners and Admins on Web App.

In the Business and Enterprise plans, a default quota is automatically set for each user based on the maximum number of pages your corporate account had at the time of initial sign-up. 

If you have enough credit on your account, but members can't send a fax, you may find it necessary to increase the default quota for your users to give them access to the additional credit.

Follow these steps to increase your member's outbound fax quotas:

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Users section on your dashboard.
  2. Find the member you wish to define a quota for.

    Note: The selected member must be an active user within the account team, and should not be in Pending status.

  3. Click on More (), followed by Modify User Quota.
  4. Edit the Monthly Send Quota field to the number of pages you wish to allocate to the member.
  5. Click on Confirm.
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