How can I add a cover sheet to my fax?

A fax cover sheet serves as an introductory page that is transmitted to your recipient prior to your main fax message. Its purpose is to provide information about the sender, the intended recipient, the subject, and sometimes a brief overview of the attached documents.

For additional information regarding cover sheets, refer to our guide here and download or print a cover sheet sample.

Follow these steps to include a cover page with your fax:

Generate a Cover Sheet

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Send Fax section on your Dashboard.
  2. When adding your documents, look for Add Page and click on the downward arrow next to it.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Cover Sheet.
  4. Enter the required recipient and document details, then click Confirm.
  5. Your provided data will integrate into our pre-formatted cover sheet template and will be sent as the initial page alongside your additional documents.

    Sample cover sheet:

    Company Logo.png

Upload a Cover Sheet

You can import your custom fax cover sheet template from your personal computer.

Follow these steps to add a custom template document as a cover sheet:

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Send Fax section on your Dashboard.
  2. When adding your documents, look for Add Page and click on the downward arrow next to it.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Cover Sheet Gallery.
  4. Choose from a previously added cover sheet, or simply upload a new file.

Use a Shared Cover Sheet

Enterprise plan subscribers have the option to use one of the already Shared Cover Sheets across their team. Learn how to incorporate your company logo into your cover sheet here.

Follow these steps to add a Shared Cover Sheet to your fax:

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Send Fax section on your Dashboard.
  2. When adding your documents, look for Add Page and click on the downward arrow next to it.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Shared Cover Sheet.
  4. Choose an available shared cover sheet.

Note: Ensure to review this article for subscription plan allocations when using Cover Sheets.

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