Experiencing difficulties receiving faxes? Explore common issues and learn how to prevent them.

You can receive faxes on your dedicated fax number from various sources, including fax machines and online fax services. The Fax.Plus fax number remains constantly available for fax reception, even if your internet connection is down.

If you're encountering issues while receiving faxes, here are some troubleshooting tips addressing the most prevalent fax reception problems:

  • Ensure that your paid plan is currently active and that you possess an adequate number of remaining pages to accommodate incoming faxes. In this situation, the sender could encounter a busy signal.
  • Verify that the sender is directing the fax to the accurate fax number.
  • Confirm that the sender is inputting the appropriate country code with a plus sign and the local area code prior to the fax number. For example: +16692001010.
  • Ensure that the designated fax number for receiving is already assigned to you by the account Administrator (this is relevant for users with Business and Enterprise plans).
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