How can I find my fax number after purchasing a plan?

If you recently purchased a plan on Fax.Plus and need to find your assigned fax number, follow the steps below based on your device:

Web App
  1. Log in to your Fax.Plus account, 
  2. Navigate to the Settings section on your dashboard.
  3. Look for the My Fax box, where your Fax Number is displayed.
  4. Alternatively, you can find your fax number in the top middle section of your Faxes page.
iOS Android

By following these steps, you’ll easily locate your fax number and share it with your contacts when needed.

Note: Your number will remain yours as long as you maintain an active plan. Nevertheless, custom or golden (vanity) numbers will persist in your profile for an extra month in case you decide not to renew your plan.

For additional details on how to port your existing fax number to Fax.Plus, refer to our guide here.

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