How can I use a different OneDrive account with my Sign.Plus account?

Switching between different OneDrive accounts while using Sign.Plus can be useful if you have files stored in different cloud storage accounts or if you need to manage documents across multiple OneDrive profiles.

Follow these steps to seamlessly change your OneDrive account within Sign.Plus Web app.

Step 1: Revoke Access to the Current OneDrive Account

Before you can switch to a different OneDrive account, you must first revoke access to the current one linked to your Sign.Plus account. To do this:

  1. Visit the following URL: Manage Your Account Permissions
  2. Find OneDrive - Sign.Plus in the list of services and applications to which you've granted access.
  3. Select OneDrive - Sign.Plus and click on the option to revoke access. This action will disconnect your current OneDrive account from Sign.Plus.

Step 2: Open the File Picker

After revoking access:

  1. Go back to Sign.Plus and initiate an action that opens the file picker. This could be attempting to add a new document or accessing existing documents.
  2. The file picker interface should appear.

Step 3: Sign Out of Your Current OneDrive Account

In the file picker:

  1. Look for the sign-out option located at the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Click on Sign out to log out from the current OneDrive account connected to Sign.Plus.

Step 4: Sign In with a Different OneDrive Account

After signing out:

  1. You will be prompted to sign in again. At this point, choose the option to sign in with a different OneDrive account.
  2. Enter the credentials of the OneDrive account you wish to use with your Sign.Plus account.

Note: If you are using the Sign.Plus app on iOS or Android, please note that your credentials are cleared after logging out. Therefore, if you wish to switch OneDrive accounts, you will need to log out from the account within the Sign.Plus app itself. This ensures that your previous session’s data is completely removed from your device.

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