
一旦您注册了 Sign.Plus 或 Fax.Plus 并验证您的帐户,您的个人资料将被指定为默认货币。 我们目前支持 Swiss FrancBritish Pound (Pound Sterling) 货币 If your bank or card automatically supports currency conversions, you have the option to make payments in different currencies (meaning you can pay the equivalent of $5 in your local currency, in accordance with your bank's exchange rate policies).

Follow these steps to update your currency, which will then be applied to all your upcoming purchases, including recurring payments:

  1. 登录到您的 Sign.PlusFax.Plus 帐户,然后去您的仪表板上的 配置文件部分。
  2. Find the tab for Plans & Billing.
  3. 寻找 支付详细信息的方框,找到 默认货币
  4. 点击 更改以切换您的默认货币。
  5. 点击 保存
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