Как я могу отменить свой тарифный план Fax.Plus?

If you decide to discontinue your paid plan, you have the option to cancel it through your Fax.Plus account panel.

In addition to the paid plans, Fax.Plus provides a Free plan. Этот план позволяет пользователям отправлять до 10 страниц бесплатно. Note that there's no need to cancel the free plan, as there won't be any charges unless you manually upgrade to a paid plan or purchase additional credits.

Upon canceling your plan, you won't incur any further charges, and your plan won't renew, your account, however, will still remain active. Once your current billing cycle concludes, your fax number will be discontinued, along with the ability to receive faxes.

Follow these steps to cancel your subscription:

Web App iOS & Android
  1. Войдите в свою учетную запись Fax.Plus и перейдите в раздел Profileна вашей панели управления.
  2. Под вкладкой для Plan & Billing, найдитеPlan Details.
  3. Рядом сПлан типа, нажмитеОтмена плана.
  4. Внимательно прочитайте уведомление и нажмите на Подтверждение отменыдля отмены вашего текущего плана.

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