What are Public Forms?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Professional, Business and Enterprise plans.

All members

With Public Forms on Sign.Plus, you can effortlessly eliminate the need to manually enter signers' information each time you use a template.

By sharing a link, either on your website or via email, recipients can fill in their name and email address themselves before accessing the document for signing.

Follow these steps to create a self-service link to collect signature requests:

  1. Create a Template:
    • Follow the steps outlined here.
  2. Publish as Public Form:
    • Navigate to the Templates tab and find your template.
    • Click on the three dots icon 3 dots.png next to the template and select Publish as Public Form.

      Public Form (*).png
    • Toggle on the status of the public form to active.

      Activate Public Forms.png
  3. Activate and Share Your Link:
    • Once the status is set to Active, your link is ready to use.
    • You can copy the link to enclose it on your website or send it directly to a signer.
  4. Manage Your Public Forms.
    • Click on the Manage Public Form icon icon.pngnext to the template to oversee your public form.
  Note: At this moment, public forms support a single signer and do not support dynamic sender fields.
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