When attempting to send a fax from your email, the email body is initially treated as a cover sheet and will be sent as the first page of your fax.
In case your corporate email appends your signature or a disclaimer to the bottom of your emails, and you don't want this email content to serve as the cover page, you can easily deactivate this option (sending email content as a cover page).
Follow these steps to prevent your email's body from being sent as a fax cover page:
- Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go the Profile section on your Dashboard.
- Under the tab for General, find the box for Email to Fax and click on Edit.
- Click toggle OFF for the Include Email Content in Fax item.
- Click on Save.
Note: By disabling this feature, only the attachments of the email will be faxed and the body of the email will be completely ignored.