How can I share my contact groups?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Enterprise plan.

Accessible to Owners and Admins on Web App.

With the Shared Groups feature, your team can efficiently access a unified phonebook, promoting both time efficiency and productivity.

Learn how to perform these actions below:

  • Adding Shared Groups to your account
  • Adding Shared Groups from your own contact list
  • Adding Shared Groups in bulk
Web App iOS & Android

Adding Shared Groups to your account

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Contacts section on your Dashboard.
  2. Click on Shared and then on Shared Groups.
  3. Click on the icon for Add Shared New Group.
  4. Enter your group's information:
    • Name (this is mandatory)
    • Note
  5. Click on Confirm. This new group will be added to the list of Shared Groups, granting accessibility to all users within your corporate team.

Adding Shared Groups from your own contact list

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Contacts section on your Dashboard.
  2. Find the tab for Contacts, then on Groups.
  3. Find the group you would like to share, and click on More ().
  4. Select Add to Shared Groups, and then click on Confirm.

Adding Shared Groups in bulk

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Contacts section on your Dashboard.
  2. Find the tab for Contacts, then on Groups.
  3. Click on the icon for Share on the grey row over your contacts, granting accessibility to all users within your corporate team.

Note: Groups added to the Shared Groups list will not be added to your own account's Groups list.

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