
每个带有Fax.Plus的付费计划包含至少一个专用传真号码。 You can easily locate your dedicated fax number(s) within the Faxes section on your Dashboard.

To successfully receive faxes, it's essential to have an active paid plan and an adequate number of remaining pages to accommodate new incoming faxes. 此外,请确保发件人将传真发送到您目前的传真号码,首先是国家代码和地区代码。 例如:+166920010。

Benefit: Your fax number is always ready to receive new incoming faxes, even if you are not connected to the internet.

Your incoming fax documents are located within the Faxes section on your Dashboard, accessible under the tab for Inbox. 您将在收到新的传真后立即收到电子邮件和推送通知。

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