我有 Sign.Plus 账户
If you already have a Sign.Plus account, you can send a copy of your previously signed documents directly through the Documents section on your Sign.Plus account Dashboard, and simply follow the steps below.
我没有 sign.Plus 的帐户
如果您没有 Sign.Plus 帐户,您收到的文件的副本将发送到您的电子邮件。 一旦您创建了一个签名。 lus 帐户。 您将能够通过从您的仪表盘访问您的 文档 标签来发送您以前签署的所有文档的副本。 并简单地遵循以下步骤。
- 登录到您的 Sign.Plus 帐户,然后转到您的工作台上的 文档 部分。
- 要访问已完成或已签名的文档,找到 已完成的 标签。
- Find the document that you would like to access, and click on More (⋮), and then on Send a Copy.
- 输入您想要发送的收件人的全名和电子邮件地址。 If you need to send a copy to more than one recipient, click on Add Recipient, and repeat this step. 如果需要的话,编辑您的电子邮件主题,并添加一个自定义消息(可选)。
- Click on Send, and Close.
Note: You have the option to Download your document in this step as well.