How can I disable native mobile app integrations across Scan.Plus, Sign.Plus and Fax.Plus?

We offer a suite of products, each specialized in a different area, to provide a seamless and delightful user experience. This approach not only maximizes security and compliance but also allows us to enhance each product's features while keeping the user experience simple and intuitive.

We offer the option to disable the native integrations, respecting your choice for a more personalized experience.

Follow these steps if you prefer to disable these integrations within your mobile Fax.Plus or Sign.Plus applications:

Fax.Plus Sign.Plus
  1. Launch the Fax.Plus app.
  2. Go to Profile and select Integrations under General Settings.
  3. Toggle On/Off the item for Scan.Plus and/or Sign.Plus.

Note: Please keep the integrations on to prevent potential legal and quality challenges. Their combined use assures legally compliant signatures and high-quality scans, essential for reliable and professional document management.
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