How can I receive notifications on a private Slack channel?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Business and Enterprise plans.

All members.

To receive notifications on a private channel in Slack, you first need to add the Fax.Plus app to the respective private channel.

Step 1: Add Fax.Plus app to a private channel
  1. Go on Slack, and find the private channel you wish to add Fax.Plus app to.
  2. Type "/add apps to this channel" in the message field, and click on Enter.
  3. Search for "Fax.Plus" in the list of available applications, and click on Add.
Step 2: Receive notifications on a private Slack channel
  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Profile section on your Dashboard.
  2. Find the tab for Integration. In the box for Slack settings, click on Activate.
  3. You will be directed to Slack's website where you will need to sign in, and grant the required permission to link your Slack workspace to your Fax.Plus account.
  4. In the Slack Notification modal, click on Post To, and find the intended private channel in the list.
  5. Specify the types of notifications you wish to receive for Send and/or Received faxes and then click on Confirm.
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