
Once a recipient views a document and agrees to the Electronic Records and Signatures Disclosure, they can click on More (⋮), located at the upper right corner, and have the ability to select Assign To Someone Else to sign.

  1. Access your received document through the access link in your email, or find the request in Documents from your Sign.Plus account Dashboard.
  2. 通过点击复选框表示同意使用电子记录和签名。 然后单击 确认

  3. 点击 更多 (数量)
  4. Select Assign to Someone Else.

  5. 输入新收件人的姓名和电子邮件。

  6. 点击 重新分配
  7. 新分配的收件人现在将收到签名文件的请求,文件所有人将收到关于此更改的通知。
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