

可在 BusinessEnterprise plan 上获得。


In the Business and Enterprise plans, a default quota is automatically set for each user based on the maximum number of pages your corporate account had at the time of initial sign-up. 

如果您的帐户有足够的积分,但成员不能发送传真, 您可能发现有必要增加您的用户的默认配额,以便他们能够获得额外的学分。


  1. 登录到您的Fax.Plus帐户,然后转到您的仪表板上的用户 部分。
  2. 找到您想要定义配额的会员。

    Note: The selected member must be an active user within the account team, and should not be in Pending status.

  3. Click on More (), followed by Modify User Quota.
  4. Edit the Monthly Send Quota field to the number of pages you wish to allocate to the member.
  5. 点击 确认
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