If you wish to allow multiple members to be notified of fax reception and fax transmission confirmations via email for one specific fax number, you need to allocate that designated number to one member in your corporate Fax.Plus account.
Next, the account member should proceed with the following steps in their account settings:
- 登录到您的Fax.Plus 帐户,然后去您的仪表板上的 配置文件 部分。
- 找到 通知,然后点击 编辑。
- 紧接着选择 Email,点击修改
- Once the popup window for Email Notifications settings is revealed, you can choose to have your notifications On (only notify) or Off to your preference:
- 收到传真通知
- 发送传真通知
- 您可以选择将您的电子邮件通知转发到最多5个电子邮件地址。 To do so, click on Add Email, and enter your preferred email addresses.
- Click on Save.