
When attempting to send a fax from your email, the email body is initially treated as a cover sheet and will be sent as the first page of your fax.

In case your corporate email appends your signature or a disclaimer to the bottom of your emails, and you don't want this email content to serve as the cover page, you can easily deactivate this option (sending email content as a cover page).

Follow these steps to prevent your email's body from being sent as a fax cover page:

  1. Fax.Plus アカウントにログインし、ダッシュボードの Profileセクションに移動します。
  2. Under the tab for General, find the box for Email to Fax and click on Edit.
  3. Click toggle OFF for the Include Email Content in Fax item.
  4. Click on Save.

メモ: この機能を無効にする 電子メールの添付ファイルだけがファックスされ、電子メールの本文は完全に無視されます。

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