How can I create Zaps with Zapier?

Who can use this feature?

Available on Business & Enterprise plan.

All members.

Zapier acts as the bridge connecting Sign.Plus with various other applications. By connecting Sign.Plus through Zapier's platform, you can create automated workflows, also known as "Zaps," without the need for coding or complex integrations. Every Zap has a Trigger App that kicks off the automation and causes an Action to happen in another app.

Leverage Triggers and Actions to automate processes involving electronic signatures:

  • Triggers initiate an action when a specific event occurs, such as when all recipients have filled and completed a document. With Sign.Plus, you can set a Trigger Event for "Document Completed."
  • Actions are the subsequent tasks that are executed, such as sending a signature request through a template document. With Sign.Plus, you can set the Action Event for "Send Signature Request From Template."


Step 1: Set up your trigger via Zapier
  1. Log in to your Zapier account, and click on the Make a Zap button.
  2. Choose Sign.Plus as the Zap trigger (if you don't see Sign.Plus in the list, type the name).
  3. Choose an available option as the trigger event and click on Continue.
  4. Click on Sign in to Sign.Plus to grant permission to Zapier to manage your Sign.Plus account. You will be redirected to Sign.Plus website to grant permission.
  5. Click on Continue, and then click on Test Trigger to make sure your trigger is set up correctly.
  6. Click on Continue to finish setting up the trigger.
Step 2: Set up your action via Zapier
  1. Choose your preferred application in the list of available apps.
  2. Choose an available option as the action event and click on Continue.
  3. Click on the Sign in button to grant Zapier the required permission. You will be redirected to app’s website to grant permission.
Click on Test & Continue, and then turn on your Zap.
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