Certificate of Completion – FAQs

For each completed document, you can locate the Certificate of Completion (CoC), which includes an audit report containing details about all document recipients, including:

  • Document status.
  • Document completion date and time.
  • Sender(s) name and email address.
  • Signer(s) names and email addresses.
  • Signer(s) signatures.
  • Signer(s) IP addresses and location.
  • Tamper-proof time stamps showing when the document was sent, viewed, and signed.

  1. Login to your Sign.Plus account, and go to the Documents section on your Dashboard.

  2. Under the tab for Completed, find the document you wish to get the certificate of completion for.
  3. Click on More (), followed by Download Certificate.
  1. Login to your Sign.Plus account, and go to the Settings section on your Dashboard.
  2. Under the tab for General, find Document Settings.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Find the toggle for Certificate of Completion, and click ON.
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