

  1. Login to your Fax.Plus account, and go to the Send Fax section on your Dashboard.
  2. Enter your destination number(s), and attach your files by clicking on Add Files, or write the text you wish to fax by clicking on Add Page.
  3. Click on Send.

For additional information about sending faxes on different platforms, refer to this guide here.

是的! 下载Fax.Plus应用程序并跟随所提供的步骤。 For instructions on sending a fax from your mobile device, refer to this guide here.
是的! 您可以将单个文档传真到多达500个不同的目的地或收件人。

是的! For additional information about faxing documents to numbers with extensions, refer to this guide here.

只需订阅付费计划即可获得传真号码。 收到传真后,您将通过电子邮件接收通知(如果已配置), 当您登录到您的 传真时,传真将可以在收件箱中访问。 lus 帐户。

您将有能力随时随地收到传真,24/7。 Nonetheless, to access your faxes, either in your email or Fax.Plus inbox, an active internet connection will be necessary.


如果出现故障,您可以选择启用重试模式。 For additional information on the Retry feature, please refer to this guide here.

您可以选择包含最多10个不同的文件进行传真传输,不管每个文件中的页面数。 必须指出,所有文件的合并大小不应超过30MB。


是的! 尽管如此,大多数传真机发送和收到标准A4尺寸的文件。

six:speech_golon: 有没有关于用传真发送传真的查询? 联系我们, 所以我们可以帮助解决任何查询或问题!

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