
このオプションを選択すると、ドキュメントは当社の高度なサーバーで処理され、ファックス送信用に最適化されます。 This leads to significantly improved fax quality and reduced transmission times.

The image below visually showcases the contrast in quality and transmission times when you opt for the Optimize for Text setting. Check out the image below for a closer look at the differences.

It's important to note that if you decide to use the Optimize for Image setting, your documents will be sent without any alterations, which may result in longer transmission times.

Depending on the nature of the document you're faxing, switching between the Optimize for Image and Optimize for Text settings could yield higher-quality fax transmissions.





  1. Fax.Plusアカウントにログインし、ダッシュボードのFaxセクションに移動します。
  2. ギア ⚙️ アイコンをクリックします。
  3. Once the popup window for Settings is revealed, check the box for Optimize Document for Text.
  4. Click on Save.
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